Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mulligan Syndrome

Mulligan in golf

In golf, a mulligan is a retaken shot on the first tee box, usually due to a previously errant one. Traditionally, mulligans are allowed only on the first tee shot (one per round) and are not just taken at any time of the golfer's choosing. It is sometimes called a "Finnegan" when the second shot is worse than the first. Golf tournaments held for charity may even sell mulligans to collect more money for the charity.

I recently have come to the realization that I suffer from yet another malady. Arthritis, colitis, nearsightedness, cataracts, no thyroid and diabetes. And now ... Mulligan Syndrome. This disease causes one to desire to redo things. Correct mistakes. Yoko thinks I should just let things go ... and she's right.

In design work ... I an constantly redesigning. Poor Carl and Danny. I have used them as sound boards, getting their opinions over minor details. I've forgotten how many versions of Old Joe Clark I've done. I've been fussing ... am fussing ... over every detail.

Sometimes I think it stands in the way of getting things done. Sometimes I think it's the only way to get things done.

I took a chance and found what pieces of Dulci-Toon #000. With these I can redo the ending. What I did with the ending was to separate the image from the green screen, run it through filters to make it look like a cartoon. I did every other frame so it came out a little jerky. And the capture devise has to be watched that it doesn't jump frames.

So this time, I'm using a 30 frame a second frame rate. I have carefully extracted each and every frame. and will in Photoshop rotoscope in a more traditional manner. This will make the effect I was looking for in the first place. About 300 drawings worth.

I have another sequence to redo as well that I will try and animate in Flash. The piece it will replace is an example of settling. I have one more section to insert as well.

This will commit me to doing the original cartoon that I had hope to use this as a set up for.

I can do this.

I can finish this.


Can I rewrite this post?

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