Friday, August 14, 2009

Delays can be a good thing.

As I sit at my keyboard, typing this, I am swollen and sore. Oral surgery has left me with one eye and a mouth that mumbles more than it speakes. This has delayed that which has already been delayed. I still haven't done the sound track but this may of been a good thing.

I have had some concerns to the editing process using the free soft ware I have been planing to use ... I figure it may take a bit of fignagalling to piece it all together. I remember the Cheat book has a section on recording. Perhaps this down time will offer a chance to explore that possiblity.

I have figured out that I need an establishing shot of Club Soundhole. So I have another picture to do and this lead to some to some changes in Yoko's dialouge.

All, hopefully for the better.